Booking Ninjas Fundraising/Investment Opportunity Announcement thumbnail picture
  13 Feb 2023

Improve Your Property's Management, Operation & Revenue With Booking Ninjas Property Management System

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Booking Ninjas Fundraising/Investment Opportunity Announcement

"It's not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for." — Robert Kiyosaki

Financial stability is something every well-grounded person aims for, and investment is an old trick in the book. Even in the stock market, there are about 150 million individual investors in the United States.

This is because people with vision pull strings to financially secure their future, and over the long term, investment has proven to have the most potential.

Booking Ninjas is here with a unique opportunity that will be beneficial to you.

In collaboration with The SMBX, you can invest in our NINJ Small Business Bonds, starting at just $10. You will benefit from a consistent monthly return of 11.5% over 6 years once the round ends. It's a secure option to support our business while also getting a reliable monthly return.

What makes a bond investment unique?

A bond is similar to a loan, except instead of getting the funds from a bank, a business can generate them from regular investors like you.

Anyone who has a US bank account may buy available bonds and start receiving payments for principal and interest each month.

The world is progressive, and in the blink of an eye, things may change, especially when it comes to making passive income. However, one thing is for sure: investing in bonds is the past, the present, and the future of finance.

Booking Ninjas is the first business in Miami, and even in the whole of Florida, to work with The SMBX on this type of project. Of course, it goes without saying we have great potential, and so far our growth has been promising.

Take advantage of the opportunity to support our cause and become a part of the Booking Ninjas innovation.

Click this link to find out more.

Improve Your Property's Management, Operation & Revenue With Booking Ninjas Property Management System

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