How Hotel Checklists Can Help You Be Ready for Guests, Even in a Pandemic. thumbnail picture
By: Admin
  05 Apr 2021

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How Hotel Checklists Can Help You Be Ready for Guests, Even in a Pandemic.

This time we are living in is like no other. Your hotel business may have been completely closed down for some time, or perhaps you have been operating at partial capacity. Reopening feels overwhelming. How will you make sure that your hotel business is safe and ready for guests again? Let us tell you how hotel checklists can help you prepare for reopening and ensuring that guests are happy they chose your business.

Safety First

The thing on everyone's mind is safety. How can we keep our guests and staff safe from disease? Safety and disinfection checklists can help you keep track of the cleaning processes that need to be completed for reopening and operating. Sanitation and disinfection are essential in this time to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Guest room checklists and hospitality checklists will help you make sure the guest rooms, as well as the common areas, are clean and safe for guests.

Guest Room Checklists

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All aspects of hotel functioning matter to guests. However, the aspect that matters most to guests is having a safe, clean, well functioning, and pleasing place to unwind at the end of the day. Guest Room Checklists will help make sure the rooms meet the needs and expectations of your guests.

Taking a Room Out of Order

Many hotels have been operating at partial capacity. If you choose to do so, you will want to use a hotel checklist for taking a room out of order. This will prepare the room to be out of inventory for a few weeks or more. The checklist helps with several aspects of closing down the room. Sections of this guest room checklist include general room checks, shutting off the water, unplugging electrical items, and checking systems.

Opening a Room For Service

The process of reopening a room is easier with inspection checklists that make sure everything is ready for guests. Batteries in door locks, linens, and television contact are some important items on this guest room checklist. Hospitality checklists will also help you have the extra touches that make guests feel welcome.

Disinfection Checklists

Safety precautions for prevention of disease spread are important as hotels open more fully. Disinfection Checklists add to the standard cleaning lists. Normal cleaning alone is not enough to meet the required standards for COVID-19 precautions. Disinfecting and sanitizing must be done with EPA approved products.

Disinfecting Guest Rooms

Clean guest rooms have always been a top priority. COVID-19 disinfection of guest rooms is essential in the prevention of spreading disease. Keeping staff safe at the same time is imperative. Staff must have the proper protective wear and supplies when they go into a used guest room. Staff must not leave and reenter the room while cleaning and disinfecting. Using this checklist will ensure safety and prevention of spreading disease.

Other Checklists for Disease Prevention Include:

Team Training: What do you do if a staff member or guest falls ill?

Removal of Self-Service Lobby Items

Hand Sanitizer Stations

Awareness Training Signage: Check with your local government for required signage.

Required Tracking Documentation: In some areas, hotels are required to register with local health and travel authority, and track guest and staff health to be able to provide details in the event of an outbreak.

Hospitality Checklists for Disinfecting Lobby and Common Areas

Hospitality Checklists for disinfecting the lobby and welcome or common areas are important for making sure high traffic areas are disinfected at 30 minute (or other) intervals. Elevators, fitness centers, vending, and ice machines are some of the other areas covered in these high traffic checklists.

Back of House Checklist

The back of the house and other quarters should be monitored using the back of the house checklist every hour and at the change of each shift. Staff lockers rooms and other shared spaces must be regularly disinfected to prevent the spread of disease.

General Checklists

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Here are some of the other general checklists needed when reopening a hotel.

Closed Maintenance Checklists: These are done with lighter staff but help keep track of maintenance on a weekly basis.

Financial Checklists: Make sure finances are kept in order through a closing and reopening process.

Turn Operational Services Back On: Bring third-party services back on.

Return Areas of Hotel to Service

Hotels may open back up slowly, such as a floor or a few rooms at a time. In this situation, it is imperative that you make sure uniform procedures are carried out. These may include vending machines, team office set-up, elevators and stairs, general checks, and housekeeping setup.

Once everything is up and running, invite housekeeping staff to walk through a soft opening checklist to assess the readiness of the hotel.

Read more: Hotel Checklists To Improve Your Hotel Service Delivery

Booking Ninjas Helps You Follow Checklists

The pandemic's slow down of travel has created much work for hotel owners and operators. Now that the hospitality industry is slowly rebounding, you’ll need a cloud-based PMS system to help you follow and keep track of your checklists. 

Our maintenance tracking features allow you to view the progress of your housekeeping and maintenance staff in real-time so you always know what’s going on. Fortunately, we offer a 14-day pilot of our service, so you can see how easy our digital solution makes life for you as a hotel manager.

Improve Your Property's Management, Operation & Revenue With Booking Ninjas Property Management System

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