Cancellation Rate in the Hospitality Industry A Comprehensive Glossary
20 Jun 2024
ARR Index
16 Jun 2024
ARR Index

Learn about the ARR Index, a key metric for comparing hotel room rates to competitors. Discover strategies for improving pricing and revenue to enhance your hotel's market position and profitability.

Booking Ninjas Fundraising/Investment Opportunity Announcement
13 Feb 2023
4 Tips For Making Small Rentals Attractive to Tenants
13 Nov 2022
Grants For Assisted Living Business Explained
16 Oct 2022
Booking Ninjas: One of the Best Salesforce Apps
28 Sep 2022
Must-Have Amenities To Provide In a Retirement Home
22 May 2022
How To Start A Property Management Company In 6 Steps
07 Sep 2021
What is a Salesforce Booking System?
05 Jan 2021
What is a Salesforce Booking System?

Salesforce booking system allows customers some self-service options, like the ability to book a meeting space, property, or room online. It saves your team some time because it auto-populates your reservation calendar.

GDS System: Top Reasons Why It is Important to the Travel Industry
11 Nov 2020
GDS System: Top Reasons Why It is Important to the Travel Industry

Even though Global Distribution Systems (GDS) have been prevalent since their inception around the 1960s, they are not as equally understood or utilized in today’s travel industry. GDS was at the forefront of the digital revolution in the travel market, producing a way for brick and mortar travel agencies to instantly connect with accommodation providers. <

Difference Between PMS and POS
21 Sep 2020
Difference Between PMS and POS

Whether you’re a brand new property manager, or you’re new to the technological advances in the hospitality industry, we’re here to help you become better acquainted with terms and technology you’ll need to know. In this article, we’ll explain the importance of PMS and POS to the property business as well as the inner workings of it.<

How To Increase Sales Through Advanced Technology
10 Apr 2020

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